
your the one , the only one that I can share secrets with , only you.
but sometimes you dont prove it like I , somethings go wrong, even if we fight, that we have done some times, we always get back together again , i love you.
You are the one and the only for me, one bestfriend!
and that's you, and you know how you are!

Postat av: paulina♥

sv: nej vad tråkigt :( men den är fin å titta på (A) heheh

2009-11-18 @ 21:19:06
URL: http://paulinabladh.blogg.se/
Postat av: julia

oh, love you too bestdrieeend, 4ever <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333

2009-11-18 @ 22:14:45
URL: http://jjjuuliiaas.blogg.se/
Postat av: paulina♥

sv: japp det har jag (:

2009-11-18 @ 22:20:42
URL: http://paulinabladh.blogg.se/

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